July 24, 2012

No words, just run

If he can, you can! It's very easy to give up. To say, this is too much, but actually nothing is too much, because your motivation can be infinite.

Our mind can do what our muscle refuse to do. No matter what happens your only mission is to keep walking, keep running.

The video bellow shows one of the most emotional moment of the olimpics.

July 23, 2012

Srikumar Rao: Why do we put IF before hapiness?

"Happiness is the single true purpose in life" (Aristotel)

Aristotel is right, because everything we do we do it in pursuit of happiness, everything else: money, carrier, love, family are ways not purposes.

What Srikumar Rao says is that happiness is part of us, that is very hard to not be happy, it is in our nature to  be happy. Well, in that case why are we most of the time miserable? Because we always put "if" before happiness.

June 25, 2012

Gary Vaynerchuk: Start doing what you like

You probably never herd of Gary Vaynerchuk and I am sure you never herd of his video blog Wine Library TV.

He is not famous, he speaks with a lot of "fucks" and "shits", but he really knows what he is talking about. "If you don't like what you are doing now, please stop. You will always find a way to make money doing what you like".

June 21, 2012

Matt: Dancing all around the world

Inspiration comes from actions. He is Matt.You probably herd of him, because his dance is famous.

Dancing mean joy, you should do everything that makes you happy, because happiness is the single engine to success, not vice-versa.

Matt is not rich, but he seems happy and that's why I consider this video as being inspired.

June 16, 2012

Shawn Achor: Happiness is the engine, not the goal

You work more, you have more success, you get to be happy... WRONG. Shawn Achor says this formula is wrong and I agree. If we put happiness after the success, we will never be happy or we will be for a very short period of time, because our expectations of success increase all the time, with every success we attain.

We have to put happiness in front of all, because happiness is the engine to success... so we have to reverse the formula. How can we be happy before being successful? Well, the secret is to always live in the present.

June 11, 2012

Randy Pausch: The Last Lecture before his Death

When I watched this speech of Randy Pausch I just felt that starting this blog was a great great decision, because I am actually building a collection of lessons, lessons for life.

I am pretty young, I hope I will not die soon, but I will certainly die someday and it is a really hard job sometimes to know how to live your life. There's no answer to that, you live it your own way, but be sure that you enjoy it.

My dad died when I was fifteen and he left me with one lesson: "Wherever you go, whoever you meet, leave a place for a smile".

Watch the lesson of Randy Pausch for his children, that he will never see grow up.

June 10, 2012

Amy Purdy: Living Beyond Limits

Amy Purdy is giving us a lesson about living beyond limits. She lost her legs when she was 19 and now she is world champion at snowboarding.

It's funny that we find our strength and motivation only when "our feet are cut off".